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A friend keeps a lot of importance in our life, and everybody enjoys the company of a friend. True friendship is tough to get. Through every hardship and failure, the faithful friend will stand by. They will care for you every time, and gaining a true friendship is a real present.

Friendships have a huge impact on your mental health and happiness. Good friends relieve stress, provide comfort and joy, and prevent loneliness and isolation. Developing close friendships can also have a powerful impact on your physical health.

Friends Encourage Healthy Behaviors

One possible explanation for those health benefits is that friendships can help you make lifestyle changes that can have a direct impact on your well-being. For example, your friends can help you set goals to eat better and exercise more. They can also watch out for you and give a heads-up when any unhealthy behaviors like drinking too much gets out of hand.

Additionally, people are more motivated and likely to stick to a weight loss or exercise program when they do it with a buddy. It's much easier to get out and stay active when you have a friend by your side.

Friends Push You To Be Your Best

Friends can also provide a positive influence. If you make friends with people who are generous with their time, help others or are ambitious or family-oriented, you are more likely to develop those values yourself.

Great friends have the power to mold you into the best version of yourself. They see you and love you for who you truly are. They encourage you and push you to do better and be the person you want to be—your "ideal self." this works both ways; it's amazing to pay it forward to a friend you care for!

Sometimes friends grow apart because there is a change in lifestyle, and that's ok too. It doesn't take away from the moments that were shared and memories that will

last forever. Sometimes a friend is there to teach us something about ourselves. That can be such a gift. Some friends are not meant for a lifetime but maybe a season or a reason, as the poem says.

I am so grateful for the friends in my life that have helped me through trauma, hardships, an abusive relationship, divorce, health issues, and much more. We have shared amazing moments filled with laughter and tears. I do not know what I would have done without my friends all these years. My most fond memories are with these friends. I look forward to many, many more.

Lastly, as I pay my lessons forward to my daughter, I am filled with pride as I witness her deep friendships that started over nine years ago. As she enters her second year of high school next year ( wow!). It's amazing to watch her friendships deepen and blossom. I love that they all support each other. I love to witness how they listen and encourage each other. Even though they all have different interests and paths ( including attending different schools), they have found a way to make time for each other. It's really a beautiful thing.

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