Over the past twenty years in the spa industry, I have witnessed amazing growth in retail offerings. The industry has creatively evolved into developing a welcoming and appealing environment for guests to shop in. By sparking the guest's senses, spas have become a unique go-to environment to shop in.
I have a few simple tips to share when deciding what items to carry in your spa. To start, offer a selection of affordable and luxury items. In addition, consider that every shelf and inch is real estate for profitable retail revenue.
Create some areas to be more exclusive with luxury items. Utilize a variety of heights, textures, colors, and scents. This encourages the guest to shop not just for themselves but for loved ones as well. I have noticed a shift of spas allocating the retail area and renaming it "The Boutique." As your business shifts to that model, keep it current, sophisticated, and unique. That is important to set your business apart from the others. Constantly researching brands and trends will keep the inventory edgy and will move products quickly.
What to offer?
Adapt to different tastes and styles with a creative collection of items for young and mature guests. First, offer all products that support the spas' services. Spa accessories are always great, too, such as jade rollers, eye masks, luxurious robes, blankets, sleepwear, branded totes, t-shirts, headbands, and water bottles. In addition, resort spas offer more splurge items, such as candles, luxury fragrances, bath items, and teas.
If your spa has a theme or a philosophy, incorporate that into your service menu and surroundings. Consider incorporating local designers, chefs, or anything indigenous to the area. Offer a seasonal service menu if appropriate; have fun with it! Set a calendar of events, and offer monthly trunk shows hosted by local designers and artists. Support local bookstores by offering your space for book signings or book clubs. It's a wonderful way to cross-promote and support your community. Partner with a local yoga studio and offer guided mediation nights sponsored by local candy makers, juice bars, or bakeries.
The options are limitless. Set a goal to be different and provide a welcoming environment. I am confident you will continue to grow your business.